Arishia's Journey Into Oasis
You are about to enter the DBZ oasis...
Moshi, moshi! Welcome to the newest romp into the wonderful world of Dragon Ball Z! My name's Arishia-chan. The Capsule Corp pod is about ready for takeoff so go ahead and board.
Destination, you may ask? Why, the oasis of course. Guide? Let's just say those of you who know my friend Ally-chan will realize this trip will be no ordinary excursion into Dragon Ball Z. >_< She's quite the character and keeps Vejita-chan on his toes. You can read all about her here on Buruma-chan's site. Don't know what DBZ is? Feel free to hop on over to my links page and read all about it!
Everyone on board? Good! Strap yourselves in, hug your Veggie doll tight and prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime... the journey to DBZ oasis...